Created by Tammy Brightwell, Scoggins Middle School Librarian, Frisco, TX.

Last updated September 16, 2009.

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GT ELA 6 Endangered Species Project

A picture of a giant panda.

You can access a copy of the assignment here. You can also access a Website Evaluation form here. When finding Internet sources, try using

Below you will find a list of database sources and suggested Dewey numbers for your use in our library or the public library to help you with your assignment.

World Book Online - An online encyclopedia with features such as links to websites, a dictionary, writing and research tips, citation information, pictures, and sound bytes.
Encyclopedia Britannica - An online encyclopedia with features such as citations, multimedia materials, and content in four different formats (high school, middle school, elementary school, and additional content).

Suggested Dewey numbers:
Endangered Species - 591.68
California Condor - 598.9
Black Spider Monkey - 599.8
Brown Bear - 599.784
Eurasian Lynx - 599.75
African Elephant - 599.67
Asian Elephant - 599.67
Giant Panda - 599.789
Orangutan - 599.88
Mountain Gorilla - 599.884
Iberian Lynx - 599.75
Monarch Butterflies - 595.78
Hawksbill Turtle - 597.92
LOggerhead Turtle - 597.92
Emperor Penguins - 598.47
Polar Bears - 599.786
Black Rhinoceros - 599.66
Spectacled Bear - 599.784
Bengal Tiger - 599.756
Gray Whale - 599.5
Ganges River Dolphin - 599.53

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